Friday, February 9, 2007


280s are dining establishments here in japan where everything, food and drink, is 280 yen. they are enjoyable places to eat, drink, be merry and drink some more. during my weekend i spent two nights in a row at 280s.

sunday night, jake, malcom, simon, miho and i went out here in sakai. we had planned to go to some bar to hear live music but it was 1500 yen to get in then another 500 yen for a drink that you had to buy... i don't understand why they don't just say its 2000 yen cover w/ a drink... so that ended up being a bust. we went to some other bar only to pay a seating charge, a charge for a small bowl of bread crumbs that we didn't order and the price of a heineken. we essentially spent 11$ on one beer. after this fiasco it was off to the 280... and everything was again all right with the world.

when at a 280 i recommend spicy chicken and green onions on a stick, salty chicken balls on a stick, karage (fried chicken), bacon wrapped cheese, and the triple bypass inducing deep fried cheese disk... with butter. mmmm... cheese and butter. washed down with generous amounts of beeru. well that's how i do anyway...

so i spent most of the next day calling different travel agencies looking for tickets for vietnam so i could visit tony when he's there. turns out it's dumb expensive to fly from japan to vietnam... so that gets put on the back-burner for now... but hey that trip will be there essentially the rest of my natural life so i'm not too disappointed.

i finally left my place late in the afternoon to grab a bite to eat with paige at this cafe at sakai station. their chicken-basil sandwich is amazing... it will make you a better person, i promise. after some lovely conversation it was decided that a 280 was once again in order for the evening.

this 280 crew consisted of jane the new girl from oz, her roommate mj who makes bad first impressions, malcom, jake, matt, desiree, paige and i. the first 280 we went to was full... no problem, we wen't to another one a few blocks away. they're almost as common as starbucks. we got split up into different groups and proceeded to do what we do at the 280. later the group was reunited at which point the laughter ensued. you-had-to-be-there kind of stuff. later ended up at a 200 bar and called it quits around 330am... spent the night on desiree's couch.

malcom is the funniest scotsman you'll ever meet

orient happiness bicycle club, founders

a push up contest is so necessary.

even homeless people work harder in japan

woke up the next day around noonish and went to a travel agency to figure out possible other trips since nam is no longer a viable option. so turns out i'm gonna go to hokkaido now. hopefully there's snow and we can get a day on the slopes in. finally got back home around 330 in the afternoon... dead tired.

oh yeah.... and despite this post and some of the other posts i've made i don't drink that much. that just happens to be the times i have pictures of. ya dig?

but yes mom i'm being careful.

and another thing.... who want's to have a push-up contest?! apparently i have to step the machoness up. word to lim dawg lim and spyder steve.

you stay classy, san diego.

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